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Head to Integrations for documentation on built-in integrations with LLM providers.

Large Language Models (LLMs) are a core component of LangChain. LangChain does not serve its own LLMs, but rather provides a standard interface for interacting with many different LLMs.

For more detailed documentation check out our:

  • How-to guides: Walkthroughs of core functionality, like streaming, async, etc.

  • Integrations: How to use different LLM providers (OpenAI, Anthropic, etc.)

Get started

There are lots of LLM providers (OpenAI, Cohere, Hugging Face, etc) - the LLM class is designed to provide a standard interface for all of them.

In this walkthrough we'll work with an OpenAI LLM wrapper, although the functionalities highlighted are generic for all LLM types.


To start we'll need to install the official OpenAI package:

npm install -S openai

Accessing the API requires an API key, which you can get by creating an account and heading here. Once we have a key we'll want to set it as an environment variable by running:

export OPENAI_API_KEY="..."

If you'd prefer not to set an environment variable you can pass the key in directly via the openAIApiKey parameter when initializing the OpenAI LLM class:

import { OpenAI } from "langchain/llms/openai";

const llm = new OpenAI({
openAIApiKey: "YOUR_KEY_HERE",

otherwise you can initialize with an empty object:

import { OpenAI } from "langchain/llms/openai";

const llm = new OpenAI({});

call: string in -> string out

The simplest way to use an LLM is the .call method: pass in a string, get a string completion.

const res = await"Tell me a joke");


// "Why did the chicken cross the road?\n\nTo get to the other side."

generate: batch calls, richer outputs

generate lets you can call the model with a list of strings, getting back a more complete response than just the text. This complete response can include things like multiple top responses and other LLM provider-specific information:

const llmResult = await llm.generate(
["Tell me a joke", "Tell me a poem"],
["Tell me a joke", "Tell me a poem"]


// 30


text: "\n\nQ: What did the fish say when it hit the wall?\nA: Dam!",
generationInfo: { finishReason: "stop", logprobs: null }


text: "\n\nRoses are red,\nViolets are blue,\nSugar is sweet,\nAnd so are you.",
generationInfo: { finishReason: "stop", logprobs: null }

You can also access provider specific information that is returned. This information is NOT standardized across providers.


tokenUsage: { completionTokens: 46, promptTokens: 8, totalTokens: 54 }

Here's an example with additional parameters, which sets -1 for max_tokens to turn on token size calculations:

import { OpenAI } from "langchain/llms/openai";

export const run = async () => {
const model = new OpenAI({
// customize openai model that's used, `gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct` is the default
modelName: "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",

// `max_tokens` supports a magic -1 param where the max token length for the specified modelName
// is calculated and included in the request to OpenAI as the `max_tokens` param
maxTokens: -1,

// use `modelKwargs` to pass params directly to the openai call
// note that they use snake_case instead of camelCase
modelKwargs: {
user: "me",

// for additional logging for debugging purposes
verbose: true,

const resA = await
"What would be a good company name a company that makes colorful socks?"
console.log({ resA });
// { resA: '\n\nSocktastic Colors' }

API Reference:

  • OpenAI from langchain/llms/openai


This section is for users who want a deeper technical understanding of how LangChain works. If you are just getting started, you can skip this section.

Both LLMs and Chat Models are built on top of the BaseLanguageModel class. This class provides a common interface for all models, and allows us to easily swap out models in chains without changing the rest of the code.

The BaseLanguageModel class has two abstract methods: generatePrompt and getNumTokens, which are implemented by BaseChatModel and BaseLLM respectively.

BaseLLM is a subclass of BaseLanguageModel that provides a common interface for LLMs while BaseChatModel is a subclass of BaseLanguageModel that provides a common interface for chat models.